Занимаясь выпуском продукции под собственной торговой маркой на мощностях стороннего производителя, вы не инвестируете колоссальные суммы в оборудование, содержание цеха, оплату труда работников, закуп сырья, материалов и комплектующих. Ведь в случае неудачи проекта все эти инвестиции могут и не окупиться.
Высвобождая время от операционной деятельности, вы можете заняться стратегическим планированием вашего бизнеса. Выстроить каналы продаж, найти эффективные рекламные инструменты. То есть вы занимаетесь тем, что будет приносить прибыль.
На самостоятельную организацию отлаженного производственного процесса у заказчика может уйти несколько месяцев, а то и лет. Кроме того исполнитель заинтересован в быстром выполнении заказа. Он понимает, что клиент не будет долго ждать. Также быстрый выход продукции дает возможность проверить идею на прочность и жизнеспособность.
Вы можете заказать образцы продукции и протестить товар в условиях реального рынка. Таким образом вы вносите корректировки до выхода в серийное производство и даете товар, который полностью соответствует потребностям вашей целевой аудитории.
В случае неудачи вы можете с легкостью закрыть проект, не рискуя крупными денежными и временными затратами
Вы можете уделить время доработке товара или разработке новой линии. Ведь все текущие операционные обязательства компания "КазБАД" берет на себя.
HACCP (ISO 22000) - certifies the conformity of food products to the requirements approved by standards ISO 22000-2006 (ISO 22000: 2005) "Food safety management systems".
HACCP system - organizational structure of production, consisting of documents, manufacture processes and resources required for HACCP implementation
The system provides control at all stages of food production, at any point in the production process, storage and marketing, where hazardous situations may occur, and this system is mainly used by enterprises - manufacturers of food products. At that, a special attention is drawn to critical control points at which all types of risks associated with consuming food products, can be prevented, eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level due to the targeted control measures.
ISO 9001 - the certificate of conformity confirming that the organization quality management system meets the requirements of the international standard ST RK ISO 9001-2016 (ISO 9001: 2016).
HALAL CERTIFICATE - confirms that the entire production cycle and "Halal" services are carried out in accordance with international standards: МС 1500-2009 guidelines for production, manufacturing, handling and storage of Halal products, IHI-Alliance standards: IHIA-0200: 2010; IHIA-0600: 2010; the rules and regulations of the international food standards "Codex Alimentarius CAC / GL 24-1997" and EU Halal-01: 2012 standards. Halal Industry certificates of Kazakhstan are recognized in 68 countries around the world.
ECO 2021 certificate is a document confirming that a product is ecologically friendly and its manufacturing is safe.
Eco-label "ECO" is a sign that can be found on packages of Kazakhstani and foreign goods supplied to the Republic of Kazakhstan. Eco-label "ECO" indicates that during the manufacturing of such products, they are controlled to possibly minimize all types of harmful impact on the environment; and also indicates that the products themselves have undergone minimal harmful impact.
Eco-label "ECO" is assigned to those products that have passed 3- stage expertise as per special procedure, with assignment for a specified period with mandatory systematic verification of the fulfillment of the requirements established by the expertise. Such system of assigning the trademark "ECO" excludes both the purchase and the counterfeiting of this label. The "ECO" sing has certificate for the trademark No. 24349 of the Committee on Intellectual property rights of the MINISTRY OF JUSTICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. The sign is depicted and applied to products in accordance with the following Kazakhstan standards: ST U 40331327-01-2007 "Eco-labeling. The conformity sign for environmentally friendly products. Technical requirements" and ST U 40331327-02-2007 "Eco-labeling. Labeling procedure for environmentally friendly products." The "ECO" sign looks like the Earth globe, surrounded by circular arrows, with the title "ECO" inside them and with an inscription "Kazakhstan" and "Ecologically friendly product" in Kazakh language between the circles. The sign can be presented either in three- and one-color designs.
Barcode execution.
We can issue an international barcode GS-1 version.
LLP "Kazbad" has successfully implementes and complies with the requirement applicable to it as per gmp Guidelines for Food (Code of Good Manufacturing Practice for Food) GMP For the following scope: "Dietary Supplements Production".